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Lesley Godfrey
"Lara has developed a comprehensive and detailed training course for any Therapist wishing to introduce or enhance their practice in the area of sand & symbols and storytelling.
I highly recommend this training, the support, resources and content are available 24/7 online,
I would recommend in particular the Sandstory Workbook to support your training and practice moving forward."

Lauren Pike
"Lara gently, simply and passionately brought SandStory Therapy® to life.
The course was an effective mixture or theory and experiential exercises and I left feeling confident in my ability to work with clients in the sand in this way."

Suzanne Wass
"This was such a powerful process & even for myself felt some transformative healing.
I truly think all Therapists should have something like this in their therapeutic toolbox .
Beautifully held space, probably the most enjoyable training I’ve done in the last few years. Totally recommend."

© Copyright SandStory.org 2024


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